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Results for "keyword: "computers""
Searchers Interesting exploration of how apps help some New Yorkers find someone to date.
Me and You and Everyone We Know A refreshingly original and touching film about the incredible loneliness of isolated individuals in this digital age of so-called connectedness.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo A deep and dark mystery that challenges the sleuthing skills of an investigative reporter and a gifted computer hacker in Sweden.
Must Love Dogs A lively romantic comedy, grounded by John Cusack as an intense idealist with wit and a big heart, about the role of Internet match-making services in the dating game.
The Matrix: Reloaded A lively and engaging quest movie that compels us to consider the spiritual firepower of hope and its role in our lives during difficult times.
Antitrust Zeroes in on big business through the eyes of a techno wizard who takes a job with a multi-billion dollar software company and finds his conscience and courage sorely tested. An informative and inventive documentary that gives an an insider's look at the rise-and-fall of an Internet company.
Her A wild and weird romantic story about the intimate relationship between a lonely man and his computer operating system who calls herself Samantha.
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest The last installment in the series of Swedish films reveals the dangers of zealots in places of prestige.
Sneakers A techno-thriller that reveals some of the morally questionable uses of computer power in the Information Age.